50% off Zombie Tattoo by Todo
Todo is looking for a cool Zombie to tattoo and is willing to cut his hourly rate of $150 in half.
Rules: Image must be from a movie and large scale photo size please. No drawings please. Winner will be announced at the ABT Tattoo 7th anniversary party June 8th after 7pm, you must be present to win. Submit all pictures to Todo@abttattoo.com and be sure to put Zombie contest in the subject line. Good Luck.
Rules: Image must be from a movie and large scale photo size please. No drawings please. Winner will be announced at the ABT Tattoo 7th anniversary party June 8th after 7pm, you must be present to win. Submit all pictures to Todo@abttattoo.com and be sure to put Zombie contest in the subject line. Good Luck.